I am really going to just say this unedited. How can we not want our children to hear? How can we really believe that being deaf, not hearing, not being able to interact and meet strangers is okay and normal? Being deaf is not a choice, and Cochlear Implants is an option. During Ethan's birthday party, shared by all three boys, Ethan did not miss a beat. If he did not have Cochlear Implants he would have "adapted" to what is. But why? Why have to just accept and adapt when there is a chance to live a better quality of life.
You can not tell me, a very normal hearing person, who has never been shut off from the world, that being in a room full of friends and not being able to communicate is just your normal if you are deaf. It's adapting and working with what you have, but in reality I can't imagine Ethan not sitting, laughing at all the jokes and silliness he can hear through Cochlear Implants. When he was not hearing he would withdraw, watch, and there was this frustration and sadness in his eyes. He wanted to know what was going on, but could not understand. Being deaf was no glorious condition to embrace.
I have marveled every single day to watch as Ethan plays with his brother's. His leadership skills developed in our home through so much language. Listening to Ethan teaching his younger brother who is two, words, sentences, and songs. It can be argued that this all can be done through signing, but language happens every waking hour, not a class to learn two hours a week.
Ethan talks on the phone once a week to his oldest brother away at college. They talk about airplanes, and school and I marvel to think that this deaf boy is leading a very advanced life. He was smart long before he spoke his first words, but his frustrations, confidence, and ability to communicate limited him, giving him evaluation scores that depressed me. I could see the brilliance in him. He is about to finish kindergarten. He attends the same private school that his older brother and sister attended. He is reading, doing math, and well above average in his school reports. Had Ethan not had the implants I know for a fact this would not be the case. I have started and stopped every single program provided by the state for deaf children. Started with the hope that they would recognize, beyond Ethan being deaf, what a bright child he is, and then stopped when I realized that they saw him with a handicap and for some reason that handicap was attached to his intelligence. The way inwhich they would work with Ethan frustrated him, and then me.
There is more for our children because they are not limited to special classes. I get that for Ethan and I get that he is able to do more. He is becoming the normal for deaf children. It is a gift we provide for our children when they have that option. Would you say no to a child who needed glasses? Of course not? Why would we not offer the ability to hear either?
I was in a store recently and the woman in front of me was deaf. I watched as she tried to commuicate with the clerk and I could see her frustrations. I am so thankful that Ethan is blessed with the ability to hear. Yes he hears. He hears beautifully. He is functioning in a hearing world and it does not matter how he got there. It does not matter then when his devices come off each night and placed on the chargers that he is now deaf because 12 hours of his waking life he hears.
Can you tell I am very passionate about his hearing. I would love to kiss the brilliant man who invented Cochlear Implants and you know what I think my husband would kiss him too. LOL
God bless you, and precious Ethan.
We feel the same with Lotte.
Just today we were visiting friends, and Lotte was joining in. Playing along, laughing, shouting, asking questions.
Had she been deaf, and we using sign,she would have needed constant translation. And her brother and sister would have been translating for her....
With (bi-lateral) Ci, she can fully integrate in the playful world of the other children...
And of course, she needs to learn a lot... but it is going so fast....
We truly cannot imaging Lotte being deaf.... The chatterbox needs 20-30 thousand words a day....
what a blessing...I'm so sad we missed the party :o(
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