This is the story of a boy who completely amazes me every single day. With a handicap that started off with major set backs in his little life, but with the commmittment and hard work of a loving family he is doing above and beyond what we ever expected. This blog is about him. In hopes that other families with deaf children can learn, grow, and be inspired by Ethan's life.
Ethan will be six next month. He is now three years into having Cochlear Implants. He is bilateral and even with inplant setbacks he just does not settle or give up. In the blogs that unfold I will account the events of Ethan's life as a deaf child. I will share journal entrees, thoughts, insights and along the way the amazing things that this boy says and does.
It has not been an easy road. It has not been one of a perfect layed out plan. It has been one of trial and error. One of removing ourselves from all systems that seem acceptable to working directly with Ethan at home. I am just one parent with one specific experience. All of our roads can be the same, but how we walk, embrace, and take notice of the view is different for each one.
I am sure I will inspire, encourage, make some mad, and all in all this is our process. Differant than any one person. This is about Ethan and his walk through the process of being deaf. It's about me, his mother and how I faced the obstacles, trials and hard decisions.
Ethan is blessed with a large family. A very language rich environment and although your family may be simular, we are all truly different in every way. So come visit from time to time.
Blessings Ethan's mommy
1 comment:
oh I love this, and well written too mommy!
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