Hello are you deaf or what?
Seems odd as his mother to even write or think that, but I have had to stop reading statistics. As of late this kid is about as normal as they come. I use to think that he would not know how to navigate in this world without me. That is so not true.
Today a the park this other six year old was carrying around tic-tac candies. The kind that that shake loud in it's container. Ethan walks up to this kids and ask him what it is. I sat back and observed as this exchange happened. Ethan was concerned that these were "medicines" and it's not okay to take any kind of medicine unless your mother is giving it to you. I was so proud of him. The boy kept pressing that this is just candy, so I did then walk up and explain to Ethan what they were. He tried one and decided a candy that tasted like tooth paste was not candy.
So here I am worried about all the normal things of kids, you know like drugs being past out at parks when I have my back turned for a split second only to realize that Ethan is getting the world.
He is now four weeks into first grade at a private school and learning above his hearing peers. I read the statistics, which have been good in that I am someone who refuses to just settle into this ever being Ethan, but as of late I have stopped. I am a mother of five kids. With that comes instincts beyond what any specialist could ever believe or understand. I still laugh over the fact that had Ethan gone to a public school in kindergarten he would have been placed in special ed because his language was that of a 3 1/2 year old. His brain, well does anyone everyone really know how to test the intelligence of a deaf child or do we really believe because they can not speak clearly they are then destined to that which is lower than what they are capable of. I digress. I still have issues, can you tell, but Ethan well he's amazing in every single way of boyhood. Much a leader, he questions what he does not understand, and he wants to be a drummer and piano player and folks, if you listen a few doors down you can hear Ethan playing the drums on beat.
I know I am a little bit of a mommy bragger at this piont, but if you could know my heart and the fears of years past....I say wow. Who would have known. Follow your heart and what you know to be true of your child. Most of the specialists have not been deaf and they too are following a curriculum for the general population.
Ethan, Ethan, Ethan....you are amazing.
Seems odd as his mother to even write or think that, but I have had to stop reading statistics. As of late this kid is about as normal as they come. I use to think that he would not know how to navigate in this world without me. That is so not true.
Today a the park this other six year old was carrying around tic-tac candies. The kind that that shake loud in it's container. Ethan walks up to this kids and ask him what it is. I sat back and observed as this exchange happened. Ethan was concerned that these were "medicines" and it's not okay to take any kind of medicine unless your mother is giving it to you. I was so proud of him. The boy kept pressing that this is just candy, so I did then walk up and explain to Ethan what they were. He tried one and decided a candy that tasted like tooth paste was not candy.
So here I am worried about all the normal things of kids, you know like drugs being past out at parks when I have my back turned for a split second only to realize that Ethan is getting the world.
He is now four weeks into first grade at a private school and learning above his hearing peers. I read the statistics, which have been good in that I am someone who refuses to just settle into this ever being Ethan, but as of late I have stopped. I am a mother of five kids. With that comes instincts beyond what any specialist could ever believe or understand. I still laugh over the fact that had Ethan gone to a public school in kindergarten he would have been placed in special ed because his language was that of a 3 1/2 year old. His brain, well does anyone everyone really know how to test the intelligence of a deaf child or do we really believe because they can not speak clearly they are then destined to that which is lower than what they are capable of. I digress. I still have issues, can you tell, but Ethan well he's amazing in every single way of boyhood. Much a leader, he questions what he does not understand, and he wants to be a drummer and piano player and folks, if you listen a few doors down you can hear Ethan playing the drums on beat.
I know I am a little bit of a mommy bragger at this piont, but if you could know my heart and the fears of years past....I say wow. Who would have known. Follow your heart and what you know to be true of your child. Most of the specialists have not been deaf and they too are following a curriculum for the general population.
Ethan, Ethan, Ethan....you are amazing.
You have good reasons to brag! Good for Ethan. I am sure he will be a very successful person, and he is an inspiration for many like me.
very similar stuff here, I get it!! and hey, we all may carry a few issues w/us but that's what we use as the power that fuels us! Go Ethan.
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