Two days ago my husband came downstairs with a look of worry. I did a quick head count, surveyed the land and all seemed to be well this early morning time before school. The boys were eating breakfast and so far the morning was going well. I could not imagine what that look was about.
David said "Ethan can not use the blow dryer unsupervised." He went on to say that it was left on the floor still running. This new school year we are teaching Ethan that he now gets himself all spiffied of up for school. He can bathe himself, dress, do his hair and aside from forgetting he CAN NOT lock the bathroom door he has adopted his new responsibilities well. One little flaw. Oops he can't hear. He can't hear us during his bathroom time, which is why he can not lock the door. He can't hear the dryer on, so it's easy to forget to turn off that which you can not hear. In the moment I can understand the worry over a house burning down. We are able to teach Ethan off and on, but for now we will oversee this task for a while longer.
Who would have thought? It is just the realities we face and learn as we grow up our little deaf boy